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Here’s what to expect from the webinar…
Topic: 3 Tools From Happiness Science That Will Change Your Life in 2019
Live Event: February 13, 2019 @ 5-6 PM Eastern Time
Replay: You’ll receive a link & can watch any time
Get the link by registering with the above form!
Want your team to have superpowers💪 in 2019? FREE webinar: 3 Secret Strategies from Happiness Science that Turbocharge Teams. Shannon 👩 , the Chief Happiness Officer, shares the 🔬science-based blueprint that speedily builds a corporate culture centered on BOTH happiness & high-performance. Results for teams: 1) get superpowers 2) use instinctive stress as a catalyst for high-performance & 3) avoid burnout.
Meet the Trainer!
Shannon puts the grin in the daily grind by using the happiness science that gives professionals (almost) literal superpowers at work and in life. Serious science has discovered that happiness is the holy grail for the corporate world because it’s more than a feel-good, fluff emotion.
Happiness is a physical state that primes the brain and body for high-performance. Pick any of the most important elements of work - say productivity, creativity, problem solving, sales, etc. - and happy teams will consistently excel in these areas and outperform the unhappy competition.
The problem is: the villain. The what? Yes, the villain. That’s what we call the stress instinct. This hundred-million-year-old survival mechanism that turns off the logical, thinking brain. This phenomena happens too often at work. Shannon helps teams turn the fact that they’re stress superstars into an advantage, using it as a catalyst for high-performance.
She’s worked as a corporate consultant, forging the most formidable productivity and performance tools from science in the both the United States and Germany for companies like: Deutsche Bank, Starwood Resorts & Hotels, Delivery Hero & A.T. Still Medical School.
What makes her smile is turning frowns upside down and she looks forward to helping you and your team. Bottom line, there's untapped team talent and unlimited success potential at the majority of companies that can be unleashed with a lion-like roar and a sprinkle of fairy dust from science with Shannon's guidance.
Make sure you register using the above form!